Noble Coffee - Restaurant

Welcome to Noble Coffee

  • Imported coffee . . .
  • . . . from Peruvian . . .
  • . . . mountaintops.

About Noble Coffee

We're a small family operated coffee-import start up from Los Angeles with the goal of supplying high quality coffee beans from local farmers in Peru.

Over the last year we've spent several months abroad and are excited to be back with what we consider to be our best coffee. Our bean selection covers a range of dark roast brew coffee to a smooth cleanly balanced espresso bean.

The Noble agenda doesn't stop there; in order to continue the great supply we are already looking to Colombia, Costa Rica, and Hawaii while supporting each community along the way! Tell us your thoughts.

What they say

  • The Quillabamba roast gets me dancing La Bamba every morning.
    Keep it up Noble!

    Jeffrey Montgomery, Jr. - Areospace Engineer
  • I'm from Peru, so every cup is a little nostalgic for me. Love it!

    Alessandra - Interior Designer
  • Take me next time you guys go coffee tasting near the Peruvian Andes!
    I'm so serious.

    Grayson - Web Developer

Popular Orders

Here are our two most popular orders:


8 oz. bag or 12 oz. bag


8 oz. bag or 12 oz. bag

Got an idea? Please, let us know.